Page 13 - Catalog Eng
P. 13



            “In the United States, ins tu ons of higher educa on are allowed to act with consid‐

            erable independence and autonomy. Neither a Ministry of Educa on nor other cen‐
            tralized federal authority has the control on the quality of postsecondary educa onal

            ins tu ons. So single states assume different autonomous levels of control on the
            schools, colleges and universi es delivering educa onal products. As a consequence,

            American educa onal ins tu ons can be widely different regarding the character and
            quality of their programs. The prac ce of accredita on arose in the United States to

            ensure a basic level of quality. It is a way of conduc ng nongovernmental evalua on
            of educa onal ins tu ons and programs.”

            Accredi ng agencies are private associa ons with regional or na onal scope. They de‐
            velop evalua on process on educa onal ins tu ons to assess whether or not those

            criteria are met. Ins tu ons ain their globality nd/or part of their programs an accre‐

            ditor's evalua on is request must meet accreditor's criteria to be "accredited".
            Accredita on is a voluntary  and not a mandatory process.

            The NRU did not require accredita on for the par cularity and originality of its tea-
            ching method and for its interna onal mission which is driven under different rules

            and requirements country  by country. All that  makes napplicable the criteria used by
            accredita on bodies.  This does not compromise the quality of teaching, the value and

            exper se of teachers and the prepara on of our students.

            Note. Accredita on does not provide that credits released from  certain ins tu on be
            automa cally accepted by another one, nor does it guarantee the acceptance of gra‐

            duates by employers. Students must contact the receiving ins tu on to determine if

            the credits are transferable.

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