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         Master’s Programs

         Applicants for admission must:
            A complete applica on, which includes, but not limited to, a valid phone number, email, physical

              address, and Social Security Number (SSN), if applicable
            Possess an accredited baccalaureate degree from an acceptable post‐secondary ins tu on
            Meet all Admission Documenta on Guidelines Condi onal admission allows applicants who have
              a conferred bachelor’s degree from an acceptable post‐secondary ins tu on to enroll in a gradu‐
              ate program for 12 semester credits wai ng for the receipt of required official transcripts.


         Bachelor’s Degree
                High school graduate or equivalent, or demonstrate the ability to

                proceed university‐level study in the Associate program on NRU
                Program Requirements:
                180 credits are required for gradua on.
                Comprehensive valua on and counselling are most important at this degree level, it allows to reco-
                gnize of credits (no more than 120)

         Master’s degree
                Bachelor’s degree in the same field or related field from an acceptable
                Ins tu on
                Program Requirements:
                The Master’s program require 66 credits (at least  45 credits)

                above the  Bachelor’s level.

         Doctoral degree
                Master’s degree in the appropriate field from an acceptable
                Ins tu on

                Program Requirements:
                The Doctoral program
                 requires 120 credits above the Bachelor’s level

         For those who do not have a diploma, which allows for enrollment at the university.

         The NRU allows you to acquire the ASSOCIATE degree, enabling you to enroll in the Bachelor's degree.

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