Page 14 - Catalog Eng
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         NRU ‐ Department of Business Administra on and Management

         Business Administra on BBA., MBA., DBA.
         Financial Ins tu ons and Banking Diploma.
         Management Ph.D.
         Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies


         The Bachelor of Business Administra on (BBA) program online is designed to provide students with know‐
         ledge and skills to apply business principles and management prac ces. The program covers current busi‐
         ness prac ces in modern business organiza ons.

                      Credits required for degree completion:   120

                      Maximum transfer credits accepted:                      51

                      Program length:                                         4 years*

                      Cost per credit:                                        US $ 120

         * With maximum transfer credits, students may complete the degree program in a shorter amount of  -

         me. Or, students can proceed at a more leisurely pace and complete the program in four years.

         Program Competencies and Learning Objec ves

         Upon Successful comple on of this program, students will be able to:
            Demonstrate the proper use of effec ve oral and wri en communica on and professional presen‐
              ta ons.

            Explain the importance of leadership, organiza onal culture and human rela onships in a healthca‐
              re organiza on.
            Iden fy and analyze managerial and organiza onal informa on needs and use appropriate informa‐
               on technologies to assist in business decision making within a healthcare environment.

            Apply quan ta ve and qualita ve skills for solving business problems and appreciate the value of
              sta s cal techniques and informa on technologies in business decision making.
            Apply principles of planning, organizing, and leading healthcare opera ons.

            Explain the importance of integrity and professional ethics as applied within a healthcare se ng.
            Design, develop, and implement strategies that enhance the marke ng of products and services.

            Define micro and macroeconomics and financial analysis and decision making iden fy human re‐
              source management prac ces and such behavioral issues as mo va on and diversity.

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